
Bedrocan currently produces medicinal cannabis for patients (under the care of a physician), pharmaceutical companies and researchers from around the world. Medicinal cannabis availability per country is listed below.

Note to patients

You cannot order medicinal cannabis at Bedrocan. Bedrocan’s products are available exclusively on prescription. Your GP or treating specialist can prescribe Bedrocan’s medicinal cannabis. Provided that your government issues medicinal cannabis in your country, you can take the prescription to your own pharmacy.

Medicinal cannabis availability inside the EU?

There is a possibility to collect Bedrocan products in the Netherlands with a valid prescription from the doctor practising in the EU. Before providing the prescription in a Dutch pharmacy, it is advisable to check whether the pharmacy has medicinal cannabis available.

Please contact the authorities in your country to verify the possibility of bringing medicinal cannabis products from the Netherlands with you. In most cases, an import permit is needed. The Dutch Office of Medicinal Cannabis issues the export licence only when the import licence has been issued.

Other regulatory approaches

Cannabis and cannabis products are unauthorised pharmaceuticals. According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA),  many European countries have some type of compassionate access programme for unauthorised pharmaceuticals. These are known by various names depending on the country, such as early-access programmes, special access programmes, named patient programmes and managed access programmes. Under these schemes, access to unapproved medicines usually requires a prescription by a licensed medical practitioner and approval by the pharmaceutical regulator for the patient to obtain and use the medicine.
There is wide variation in how these programmes are implemented at national level, and each country has its own rules and procedures for allowing cannabis preparations to be provided to patients.

Source: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2018), Medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids: questions and answers for policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Medicinal cannabis availability outside the EU

Please contact your local authorities first to find out if they allow import. Alternatively you can contact the Dutch Office of Medicinal Cannabis.

Availability of Bedrocan products per country

Country Patients Research More Info
Austria no yes AGES
Australia  yes yes TGA
Brazil no yes ANVISA
Canada no yes Health Canada
Czech Republic yes yes Sakl
Denmark yes yes Lægemiddelstyrelsen
Finland limited yes Fimea
France limited yes ANSM
Germany yes yes Cannabisagentur
Israel limited yes MCU
Ireland yes no HPRA
Italy yes yes AIFA
Macedonia no yes IPH
Malta yes no Medicines Authority
Mexico no no Cofepris
Netherlands yes yes OMC
Norway limited no Statens legemiddelverk
Poland limited yes URPL
South Africa yes no SAHPRA
Sweden limited pending Läkemedelsverket
Switzerland yes no OFSP
United Kingdom limited no Home Office
United States no yes FDA
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