No significant gender differences were observed with advanced cannabinoid inhaler

Previous studies* have indicated gender differences in pain relief and side effects experienced – in particular, women experience more treatment-related side effects.

In a recent study of mostly chronic pain patients, pain reduction was similar for both genders, and no differences in adverse effects (AE) were found. Indeed, the overall rate of AE was relatively low at 10%.

SyqeAir inhaler

Patients received inhaled doses of Δ-9-THC administered by SyqeAir, a metered dose inhaler that contains Bedrocan® cut flos, at 22% Δ-9-THC, alongside all other cannabis components in the aerosol, such as minor cannabinoids and terpenes. Treatment using the SyqeAir inhaler with its pre-filled cartridges showed similar overall Δ-9-THC plasma levels, heart rate, and blood pressure. A similar significant improvement in sleep latency, duration, and quality was also observed for both genders.

Irregularities from dosing

“In other studies, only the Δ9-THC concentration of the raw plant material was known. The SyqeAir Inhaler clinical research demonstrates the previously reported differences were likely irregularities from dosing with non-standardised cannabis flos. The SyqeAir Inhaler administers an exact Δ-9-THC dose as an aerosol to the patients’ lungs. This is a major advance in inhaled cannabis medicine clinical research,” says Dr. Joshua (Shuki) Aviram, Director of Clinical Affairs at Syqe Medical. “This study provides the highest quality evidence on the safety and efficacy, driven by the SyqeAir Inhaler technology and its cartridges which deliver standardised cannabis flos produced by Bedrocan.”

These findings demonstrate the importance of standardised cannabis flos and the technological advances in the SyqeAir metered dose inhaler.

Bedrocan’s Clinical Research Unit

Bedrocan’s Clinical Research Unit in the Netherlands will soon undertake further research into the Bedrocan® which is the brand name of the variety Cannabis sativa L. ‘Afina’. The randomised, double-blind, controlled trial will assess the acute subjective, behavioural, cognitive, cardiovascular, and pharmacokinetic effects after inhalation of Bedrocan® 22% Δ-9-THC. It will also focus on any potential differences between females and males.

*) References

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